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Rex Emerson Dela Cruz

Rex has years of experience in software development and web development. Before moving to Tasmania, he worked as Web Developer with a CRM developer company in Melbourne. Prior to that, he was an Office/Network Administrator where he handles monitoring and maintenance of computer network, development of company website, development of payroll system, photo editing for brochure making, video editing for company’s web advertisement. He also worked as programmer where he developed a website and a database system used for monitoring inventory system. He is currently an active member of a Filipino community organisation that has been involved in helping individuals who has the desire to live, work and study in Tasmania.

Rex holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science from AMA Computer University, a Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology major in Software Development and a Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology major in Business Information System from Melbourne Polytechnic and is currently pursuing Advance Diploma in Leadership and Management. He is also an associate member of the Australian Computer Society.

Rex 拥有多年的信息技术背景,在CCATI组织里负责网络运行管理, 网络维护,数据安全以及协助管理团队组织和开展各项活动。
